Touch Sreynich

Touch Sreynich, Touch Sunnich" (imagined in 1980) is a Cambodian vocalist from Phnom Penh, Cambodia. She began singing at an early age. Her voice is to a great degree smooth and pleasing. Her work epitomizes key themes in Cambodian society, for instance, society stories, customary Cambodian moving, adaptability of expression and dominant part administer government in the verses of her tunes.

2003 Shooting

In October 2003, Touch Sreynich survived a tried passing. Touch Sreynich lost her mother in the 2003 attack.They were shot by four men on bicycles after a shopping trip in Phnom Penh. She kept up considerable damage and is at present weakened beginning from the neck from the assault.The snare to Touch Sreynich is still unsolved. The Cambodian ruler, Norodom Sihanouk, has conveyed his significant compassion at the strike on the vocalist, who had sometimes entertained his famous guests. After her tried demise, Touch Sreynich requested that her fans speak to God for her smart recovery.